Baltic EU Conversations 2018: Is Europe Back?

Dear friends, on behalf of LIIA and all our partners, I have a great pleasure and honour to invite you all to take part to the public discussion on Latvia’s role in European Union: about the EU's challenges and its future. The event will be held in the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia on March 23.

Register here:

Please see the full event agenda here:

The EU has been successful in many ways. It has been one of the most successful peacekeeping operations in human history. We have benefited politically, economically and socially, but at the same time, in recent years, we see that there are many challenges where questions arise whether the EU is not a part of the whole problem and probably is no longer a part of the potential solution?

Nevertheless, it seems to me that we can still talk about the fact that in the future the EU has a lot of opportunities to be a part of the solution. That is why it is so important for us to discuss these things; it is important to hear the position of decision makers and express our own proposals, and at the same time we have to think about what is Latvia’s place in the EU and how we can jointly shape the future of this common project.

Cooperation partners we have had excellent over many years. Cooperation partners are the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia – Saeima, the Foreign Affairs and European Affairs Commissions of Saeima, the European Commission Representation in Latvia and the European Parliament Information Bureau in Riga. And with these partners it is impossible to have a bad event. It will be a great conference, great speakers in a great environment.

You are all welcome on March 23rd - to come, engage, participate, listen, suggest your proposals, and think together about how we can shape Europe together and Latvia’s place in this shared vision of Europe's future. 

Publicēts 15. marts, 2018