ETNC Seminar to Take Place in Riga

On October 4-5, 2018, the European Think tank Network on China (ETNC) seminar "The Role of Values in European National China Policies" will take place in Riga, hosted by the Latvian Institute of International Affairs New Silk Road programme in cooperation with Riga Stradins University.
ETNC is a gathering of China experts from European policy research institutes, representing Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. It is devoted to the study of Chinese foreign policy and EU-China relations and facilitates regular exchanges among participating researchers.
ETNC strives to deepen the understanding of how Europe, as a complex set of actors, relates with China and how China’s development and evolving global role will impact the future of Europe. ETNC publishes yearly reports on relevant topics in China-Europe relations, the latest being "Chinese Investment in Europe: A country-level approach".
The seminars take place biannually at selected locations and are hosted by the institutions represented in the network.
The programme is supported by the State Joint Stock Company “Latvijas dzelzceļš” and “LDz Loģistika”.

Publicēts 09. augusts, 2018