New EaP Monthly Bulletin: Side effects of COVID‐19

The next 'EaP Monthly Bulletin' includes the article by Aleksandra Palkova and Artūrs Bikovs: "Side effects of COVID‐19: What has been done in Latvia to combat the infodemic." The article is based on a report presented on 29 September 2020 at the roundtable discussion "The Pandemic: Challenges Faced by Civil Society."

The EaP Monthly Bulletin #6-8 read here

The main aim of this publication is to identify what Latvia has done to prevailing themes of disinformation, misinformation, and conspiracy theories in the country within the context of Covid-19. The research gives insight into how, where, and what lies about coronavirus were spread in the Latvian public sphere. It also provides a basis for further comparative analysis.

The EaP Monthly Bulletin is the initiative of the Centre for Policy Studies. Its purpose is to exchange information about the European Union and the Eastern Partnership countries, to facilitate cooperation between experts and civil society institutions interested in the region, and to provide analytical products for different stakeholders

The Latvian Institute of International Affairs in cooperation with the leading partner the Centre for Policy Studies (Armenia) and Experts for Security and Global Affairs Association (Romania) participates in the project “Protecting Democratic Values by Tackling Pandemic-related Disinformation.”

The project is financed by the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation of the German Marshall Fund of the United States. 

Publicēts 14. decembris, 2020