Baltic EU Conversations 2018: Is Europe Back?

On March 23, 2018, from 10:00 until 18:00 (at the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia, Jēkaba Street 6/8) LIIA in cooperation with partners will hold a high-level international conference: Baltic EU Conversations 2018: Is Europe Back?
The number of seats is limited, register now:
See the full event agenda here:
Although in the last ten years the European Union has seen rapid integration and a deepening of cooperation between member states, the project is still incomplete. Multiple crises have demonstrated that pooling resources are necessary and preferable in dealing with problems less expensively. At the same time, Brexit and the path to the completion of the Economic and Monetary Union are cause for ongoing structural, institutional and policy changes in the EU. Hence, can the European project ever be completed?
During several panel discussions, high-level representatives will discuss issues such as the New shape of the European Union - What are the conclusions on reflections papers published by the European Commission in 2017? Is the completion of the EMU possible by 2025? Questions regarding the EU budget in post-Brexit time, EU role in Latvian National elections of 2018, EU Migration Crisis, European Defence, as well as reliable and efficient transport and infrastructure connections. With the United Kingdom leaving the EU, the global role of the block will need to be adjusted, that is why at the end of the conference program, we will put broad attention to Europe’s place in a globalized world.
The event is organised by LIIA together with the European Commission Representation in Latvia and the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia and the European Parliament Information Bureau in Riga, with the support of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Institute of International Relations and Political Science at the University of Vilnius.
Publicēts 01. marts, 2018