Livestream: Baltic security in the face of Russian aggression in Ukraine: lessons learned and perspectives

The Latvian Institute of International Affairs, in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Baltic States office, invites you to the public discussion: "Baltic security in the face of Russian aggression in Ukraine: lessons learned and perspectives" that will be held on November 30 at Hotel Bergs (Glass Hall) from 15:00 - 16:30.
The security of Baltic states has come again to the fore after Russia's aggression in Ukraine this year. Military actions and growing ambitious rhetoric made by Russia's political regime has raised the issue of the overall security of the Baltic States. As frontline states, Baltic nations have been historically active in positioning the possible security challenges posed by Russia.
Events unfolded on February 24 have not been a complete shock to various stakeholders in the Baltics. However, after the end of the Cold War, unprecedented aggression in Europe has highlighted various gaps and vulnerabilities, especially in the Baltic region. Among various issues to be raised, several must be pointed out: a) what are the main lessons learned after Russia's aggression in Ukraine? b) what kind of deterrence and defense posture should be strengthened in the Baltic region to deter Russia? c) what to expect and what to emphasize at the NATO Vilnius Summit from the perspective of the Baltic States?
- Marina Kaljurand, Member of the European Parliament, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia
- Rihards Kols, Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia
- Linas Antanas Linkevičius, Lithuanian diplomat and a former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of National Defence.
Moderated by Martins Vargulis, Deputy Director of the Latvian Institute of International Affairs.
Publicēts 16. novembris, 2022