POSTPONED_Critical Infrastructure in the Baltic States and Norway: Institutional Communication and Societal Awareness

Saudzējot savu un līdzcilvēku veselību, kā arī ņemot vērā Covid-19 vīrusa uzliesmojumu un Ministru kabineta pieņemto lēmumu, 23. marta diskusija tiek pārcelta. Šobrīd izskatām alternatīvas jaunajam pasākuma datumam un informēsim Jūs par jaunumiem.Saudzējiet sevi un apkārtējos! Mēs atvainojamies par sagādātajām neērtībām.Paldies par sapratni!__Following the Latvian Government decision, we regret to inform you that the first public discussion: "Critical Infrastructure in the Baltic States and Norway: Institutional Communication and Societal Awareness" that was planned on March 23, 2020, has been postponed due to COVID-19 precaution measures.We apologize for any inconvenience caused, thank you for your understanding and stay tuned!Take care of yourself and those around you!
The Latvian Institute of International Affairs within the project “Critical Infrastructure Protection and Communication: The case of the Baltic States and Norway” are happy to invite you to the first public discussion: "Critical Infrastructure in the Baltic States and Norway: Institutional Communication and Societal Awareness."
The project aims to ordinarily explain the importance of critical infrastructure to societies of Baltic states and Norway, as well as to raise awareness and discussion among policymakers, practitioners and mass media. It aims to analyse approaches used by state institutions and the private sector and to compare these approaches to the expectations of inhabitants of the countries analysed.
The project: “Critical Infrastructure Protection and Communication: The case of the Baltic States and Norway” are carried out in cooperation with The Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Estonian Foreign Policy Institute and Vilnius University Institute of International Relations and Political Science. The project is funded by the EEA and Norway Grants.
More detailed information will follow shortly.
Publicēts 27. februāris, 2020