Debate and Exhibition: Lessons for all of Europe

The Latvian Institute of International Affairs within the project “The Emergence of New States in Eastern Europe in 1918 – Lessons for Entire Europe” in cooperation with the leading partner institution WiseEuropa in Poland as well as other partners in Lithuania, Estonia, and Finland invites you to the debate and exhibition:
10.06.2019 | 14:30 - 17:30 | Conference room/Latvian War Museum, 20, Smilšu Street, Riga
Please confirm your participation by completing the registration form:
*The event will take place in English.
1918 was a crucial year in the history of Europe. Its significance does not only stem from the end of the First World War, but also from the emergence of new states. North-Eastern Europe was particularly an arena where many new states emerged after the dissolution of Tsarist Russia. The above-mentioned process was correlated with the First World War but simultaneously it was influenced by the Bolshevik Revolution originating from a structural crisis of Russia. In fact, the process started before the end of the First World War with the declaration of independence of Finland, which was issued in December 1917 and internationally recognized in early 1918. In that year Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania also gained their independence but Poland restored its independence. But after the de facto establishment of the states and freedom fights for the maintenance of the independence there came another struggle for international recognition de iure. Unfortunately, other states which announced independence in 1918 and gained at least partial international recognition (for instance, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine) were destroyed by the Bolsheviks between 1920 and 1921.
To increase the knowledge about these important processes in Europe togheter with the region experts we will look at those, very important questions. What was the new world order after the First World War and what were the key factors that influenced de iure recognition of the emerged states? What were the crucial events in this struggle for international recognition from the viewpoint of Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Finland and Latvia?
The project „The Emergence of New States in Eastern Europe after the First World War: Lessons for all Europe” is financed with the support of the „Europe for Citizens” programme of the European Union. Leader of the project is think-tank WiseEuropa (Poland). Partner institutions of the project: Czesław Miłosz Centre of Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas (Lithuania), Latvian Institute of International Affairs (Latvia), City Council of Pori (Finland), Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) and the Journal „New Eastern Europe“ (Poland).
Publicēts 29. maijs, 2019