Securing Democracy 2018: Strategic Communication Challenges in Latvia

Latvian Institute of International Affairs with a support of US Embassy in Riga kindly invites you to the public discussion: "Securing Democracy 2018: Strategic Communication Challenges in Latvia".

12.12.2017 | 15.00 – 16.30 | BIROJNĪCA, Dzirnavu street 84 k-2, Riga

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No one is safe from the risks of propaganda or discreditation within the changing patterns of information consumption and delivery in the 21st century. Public opinions, as a core element of democracy, are under risk of manipulation. The values of democratic societies - the freedom of speech, self-criticism, and pluralism - can be deformed, demonized and weaponized by the means of hybrid-attacks. How to secure these truths in a post-truth age? How to construct a toolkit for societies to secure a common awareness the meaning of democracy? Where does Latvia stand in the "tech-lash" context, what characterizes Latvia's StratCom skillset, and where should it go from here? Eventually, what will be major challenges of 2018 in the StratCom field? All these and other questions will be discussed in the "Securing Democracy 2018" discussion.

This project is created with the support of the US Embassy. The opinions expressed and the conclusions or recommendations expressed may not reflect the official position of the Department of State.

Publicēts 04. decembris, 2017