Photos, video: public discussion “From Wales to Warsaw: NATO – Back to the Origins?”, 16 June 2016

On 16 June 2016 LIIA with the kind support of NATO, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Riga hosted a public discussion “From Wales to Warsaw: NATO – Back to the Origins?” It assessed the progress reached since NATO summit of 2014 in Wales and the decisions to be expected from the next summit to be held in Warsaw in July 2016.
In the case you missed the discussion, video record of the discussion is available here:
- Opening remarks and the keynote address:
- 1st panel “NATO: maintaining or consolidating commitments and functions in a transforming environment?:
- 2nd panel “NATO and collective defence: between reassurance and deterrence”:
Photos of the discussion are available also here.
Publicēts 22. jūnijs, 2016