
Festivālā LAMPA Cēsīs jutiet līdzi Ārpolitikas čempionātā “Politiķi pret studentiem”

Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts aicina uz Ārpolitikas čempionātu “Politiķi pret studentiem”, kas notiks 2. jūlijā no plkst. 12:00 – 13:45 fest...

Photos, video: public discussion “From Wales to Warsaw: NATO – Back to the Origins?”, 16 June 2016

Photos and video from 16 June 2016 LIIA public discussion “From Wales to Warsaw: NATO – Back to the Origins?”, supported by NATO, Konrad Aden...

New Book on Latvia-US Relations Presented at the McCain Institute in Washington, DC

On Wednesday, June 16, the new book of the Latvian Institute of International Affairs, "Latvia and the United States: Revisiting a Strategic...

Event, June 16: "From Wales to Warsaw: NATO – Back to the Origins?”

The Latvian Institute of International Affairs kindly invites to attend its next public discussion “From Wales to Warsaw: NATO – Back to the ...

Event, May 26: "Latvia and the United States: Building Bridges Across a Changing Landscape"

LIIA invites you to the public discussion "Latvia and the United States: Building Bridges Across a Changing Landscape" with a presentation of...

May 25: Nordic-Baltic Cooperation. A Region in Transition

25 May 2016, the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia and the LIIA mark the Nordic-Baltic cooperation’s 25th anniversary and invite ...

17. maijs: “Krievija un Rietumi: vai ceļā uz kopīgu Eiro-Atlantisko drošību?”

17.maijā no plkst. 17.00-18:30 notiks Krievijas un Rietumu attiecībām veltīts pasākums “Krievija un Rietumi: vai ceļā uz kopīgu Eiro-Atlantis...