
Notikums: Addressing the Warnings and Fear of Collapse of the EU

Latvian Institute of International Affairs cordially invites you to discuss the book: “Collapse: Europe After The European Union” 22 May 2018...

2018. gada Saeimas vēlēšanas un to ietekme uz Latvijas ārpolitiku

11. maijā no plkst. 10:30 līdz 11.10 Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts (LĀI) rīko publisko diskusiju: “2018. gada Saeimas vēlēšanas un to ietekm...

Notikums: High-level public discussion: "Strengthening and Energizing European Union-Central Asia Relations"

As a part of the 1st Networking Conference and Review Workshop of the Project "Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations" Latvia...

Notikums: Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations

The Latvian Institute of International Affairs will host the 1st Networking Conference and Review Workshop of the Project "Strengthening and ...

Baltic EU Conversations 2018: Is Europe Back?

Dear friends, on behalf of LIIA and all our partners, I have a great pleasure and honour to invite you all to take part to the public discuss...

Baltic EU Conversations 2018: Is Europe Back?

Eleanor Roosevelt once said: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Hearing this phrase, we have to think wha...

Notikums: Baltic EU Conversations 2018: Is Europe Back?

On March 23, 2018, from 10:00 until 18:00 (at the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia, Jēkaba Street 6/8) LIIA in cooperation with partners ...

Notikums: Future of Europe from the Hungarian Perspective

Latvian Institute of International Affairs in cooperation with the Embassy of Hungary to the Republic of Latvia kindly invites you to the pub...

Notikums: Securing Democracy 2018: Strategic Communication Challenges in Latvia

Latvian Institute of International Affairs with a support of US Embassy in Riga kindly invites you to the public discussion: " Securing Democ...

Eastern Partnership – Challenges and Future Prospects of Development in the Turbulent Environment

The Latvian Institute of International Affairs, in cooperation with the Embassies of Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova to the Republic of Latvia, ...

Notikums: Germany’s Security Role in the Baltic Sea Region: Beyond the “Boots on the Ground?”

Germany is an important player in the Baltic Sea Region, however, different countries of the region view it in a different way.