
Latvijas ārējās un drošības politikas Gadagrāmatas 2023 prezentācija

Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts (LĀI) š.g. 19. janvārī aizvadīja ikgadējās “Latvijas ārējās un drošības politikas Gadagrāmatas 2023” publikāci...

Japan and the EU: Maintaining the Rules-Based Global Order

The Latvian Institute of International Affairs (LIIA), in the framework of the Asia programme together with the Embassy of Japan in Latvia, i...

Notikums: Livestream #RSF2022 Closing Event: Values-Based International Order

The Latvian Institute of International Affairs (LIIA), in cooperation with the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, Friedrich-Ebert Foundation, th...

Notikums: Livestream: Latvia and the United States: Bringing Friendship into the Next Centenary

The Latvian Institute of International Affairs is delighted to invite you to the presentation of the book: "Latvia and the United States: Bri...

Notikums: Latvia and the United States: Bringing Friendship into the Next Centenary

The Latvian Institute of International Affairs is delighted to invite you to the presentation of the book: "Latvia and the United States: Bri...

Notikums: Livestream: Baltic security in the face of Russian aggression in Ukraine: lessons learned and perspectives

The Latvian Institute of International Affairs, in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Baltic States office, invites you to the pub...

Notikums: The Future of Belarus in the Shadow of the War

The Latvian Institute of International Affairs invites you to a public discussion "The Future of Belarus in the Shadow of the War". The event...

Riga Dialogue 2022 public debate: "Transatlantic security: from Madrid to Vilnius summit"

In the framework of the annual Riga Dialogue, the Latvian Institute of International Affairs, in cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, N...

Notikums: Round-table discussion with the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations

The Latvian Institute of International Affairs, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia and in partners...

Ārpolitikas Čempionāts 2022 sarunu festivālā LAMPA

Arī šogad Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts, sarunu festivāla LAMPA ietvaros rīkoja tradicionālo “Ārpolitikas čempionātu”.

Notikums: Grāmatas “Trīs jūru iniciatīva: Nacionālo perspektīvu kartēšana” prezentācija

Latvijas Ārpolitikas institūts (LĀI) sadarbībā ar Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministriju un Polijas vēstniecību Latvijā aicina uz grāmatas: “...

Notikums: Seminar on Green Economy and climate change – challenges and opportunities from the Visegrad Group perspective

Focusing on the green economic transition and its impact on climate change, this seminar, organized by the Hungarian Presidency of the Visegr...